COUPLE therapy
Do you and your partner feel that something is wrong? This is the option for you.
Frequent quarrels, dilemmas related to difficult choices, too hard separations or divorces, children to manage, freedom to regain. Everything about the space between you and your partner can be dealt with in this type of session.
When we choose it, we see in our partner characteristics that help us to feel ourselves and confirm our identity. Those same traits that once fascinated and attracted us, today may seem the exact opposite: annoying, irritating and disappointing. Is it the unavoidable process of a couple, to lose interest in one another? Actually, it isn’t.
It is a couple’s job to grow and change as the single members grow and change.
Communication problems, ineffective leisure time management strategies, projections of our current insecurities on the “significant other” can complicate the process of growth.
Whatever the cause of the imbalance, we will find it together.
The couple's journey is a place and a time in which the two partners can allow themselves to argue, express feelings with a new frankness, or even simply stay silent, with the certainty of having an interpreter in front of you who facilitates understanding and understanding. mutual empathy.
A couple therapy can also help the members to close the relationship and start different paths in a functional way. This is very important, particularly when there are children involved.
duration and frequency
The sessions have an average duration of 60 minutes and a lower frequency compared to the individual ones (bi-weekly or even monthly). This frequency is designed to allow the couple to "breathe" the benefits of the path, implementing those strategies discussed in the session and allowing time to notice the effects. As for the individual path, predicting the duration of the path is hard.
Sometimes a few tricks are enough to learn how to communicate more effectively, other times the need for guidance lasts longer.