Working in a team is a goal that I have always had, but I had to gain experience in the freelance profession to understand how.

Are you a fellow mental health professional? Do you want to work with more patients?

My goal is to turn “dr Camilla Hennig” into a team of professionals to collaborate with in clinical practice.
This page, therefore, awaits your experience and your baggage to be filled.

I am looking for people who are able to cooperate in an empathic and dynamic way, without toxic competition. I am looking for professionals who are:

- passionate to this job
- qualified to the profession of psychologist and enrolled in a psychotherapy school, at least in the third year, or already psychotherapeutic - with a clinical vision that includes LGBTQA + issues - VAT already open
- Willing to undertake intervisions and supervision to improve their work
- Experienced as patients and had therapy for at least six months

You will have the opportunity to:
- Work with multiple patients
- Obtain intervision and support
- Work online
- Create a stable relationship with coworkers you’ll trust

Email: hennigcamilla@gmail.com

Attach your CV and a short answer (no more than a Word page) to these questions:
If you had to describe yourself through the glance of someone who knows you well and loves you, who would you choose, and how would you describe yourself? (written in the first person, as if you were the person of choice).